17 December 2024 - Society
Cropredy Tots
Cropredy Tots met for the last time on December 16th. Thank you to all who have supported us over the years.
Cropredy Parish Council is elected by the people of Cropredy to serve the village. The Parish Council (PC) is the lowest tier authority, below Cherwell District Council (CDC) and Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). The PC meets on the second Monday of the month at 7pm at the Chapel. All are welcome to attend.
There are currently no scheduled meetings
Cropredy Tots met for the last time on December 16th. Thank you to all who have supported us over the years.
All are welcome for a hot drink, biscuits and a friendly chat at The Methodist Chapel School Room. 1st, 3rd, and 4th Friday of each month, between 10.30am and 12 noon.
Margaret Boscott has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the King's Birthday Honours, for services to the community in Cropredy
See when the upcoming council meetings are so you can see local governance in action.
See how the PC serves the village
Discover the village facilities and services, and the clubs and societies
Find documents published by the council, including financial accounts, data policies, statutory documents and more.
Submit issues to the relevant local authority, such as potholes, missed bin collections and more.
Vice Chairman